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If reviewing your auto insurance policy leaves you scratching your head in confusion, don’t worry: you’re not the only one.

In fact, insurance can be so convoluted that a large percentage of the population don’t fully understand the extent of their plan’s coverage. 

For example: a recent Forbes survey showed that the vast majority of drivers didn’t know that their liability insurance covers things like damaged fences in addition to damage to other vehicles during an accident.

So if you’re in need of a windshield replacement, but aren’t sure whether your policy will cover it or not– we’re here to help you figure it out!

Types of insurance coverage


There are multiple types of auto insurance coverage that specifically pertain to different aspects of car accidents and repairs. 

The two types of coverage that are most relevant when it comes to windshield replacement: collision coverage and comprehensive coverage.

As you might be able to guess from the name, collision coverage is used to cover damages in the event of a collision, either with another vehicle or something else (like a fence!)

Comprehensive coverage is used to cover damages from other situations that aren’t strictly car accidents– for example, your comprehensive coverage would come into play if a tree falls onto your car during a storm, or if your car is broken into or stolen.

Of course, there’s a third type of insurance coverage that doesn’t require quite so much guesswork: auto glass insurance! However, even if you do have auto glass coverage, it’s not guaranteed that your insurance will cover the cost of your repair.

Does collision insurance cover windshield replacement?


When determining which type of insurance will cover your windshield replacement, you simply have to identify the cause of your windshield damage.

If you got into an accident with another vehicle, or hit something else with your car (like a wall, a tree, a fence, etc.), then your collision insurance should apply to the repair or replacement of your windshield.

Unfortunately, it’s not always so simple– you may have to reach a deductible within your policy before the plan will cover the payments.

Additionally, if the other driver is at fault for the collision, the windshield replacement may be covered by their liability insurance.

Does comprehensive insurance cover windshield replacements?


If your windshield has sustained damage that didn’t happen as the result of a collision, it’s possible that your comprehensive insurance will cover the cost of replacement. Again, however, you may have to meet your policy’s deductible before insurance coverage kicks in.

What about auto glass coverage?


Auto glass coverage, while typically not required, is pretty useful to have in the event of auto glass damage.

In fact, even if the damage your windshield has sustained is minor, your insurance policy might cover the cost of repair or replacement even if you haven’t met your deductible yet. This differs from policy to policy, and from state to state, so if you’re not sure whether this applies to you it’s best to speak with your insurance company directly.

So will my insurance cover my windshield replacement?


Like many auto insurance questions, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer. The answer depends on multiple factors– the state you live in, the type of damage you’re dealing with, and the specific limitations of your insurance policy.

The absolute minimum auto insurance coverage that Arkansas drivers are required to have is liability coverage. This coverage will ensure that, if you’re at fault in an accident, your policy will cover the cost of repairs for the other person’s vehicle. But if you only carry liability coverage, your policy won’t cover windshield replacement for your own vehicle.

At Fast Glass, we’re experts on the ins and outs of windshield replacements– including the question of insurance coverage. If you’re not sure exactly what your policy entails, you should first ask your insurance company– but if you still have questions, we’re here to help.

If you need answers or would like to schedule a windshield repair or replacement, give us a call today!